
Archive for the ‘Family/Relationships’ Category

When I was little we had a game we played when we drove around at night during the Christmas season.  I have no idea how it started but we would sit with our eyes glued to the windows and when we spotted Christmas lights we would try to be the first to yell “lights!”  I still do this now, but my kids don’t do get it 🙂

I love driving around and looking at everyone’s decorations.  I love the huge displays the parks and towns put up.  I love the boat parade on the Intracoastal.  I love finding those neighborhoods where every house is decorated!

When our kids were little we would put them in cozy jammies and drive around.  If I could do it all over again I’d probably make them hot cocoa and cookies to take along 🙂

I saw a few of our neighbors putting their lights up this weekend.  I’m looking forward to finding some new light displays this year.  I’m thankful for those who decorate their homes for Christmas!  Maybe I’ll make some cocoa and cookies for the kids this year, even though they are now big kids!  🙂

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I am thankful today that we have celebrations.  In the OT God told the Israelites to set aside days to remember and celebrate-feasts.  I think He knew we would get caught up and forget if we didn’t set aside a specific time to remember.

I love that we can celebrate Thanksgiving, and remember how blessed we are.
Christmas and remember what a gift to the world Jesus is.

Birthdays, when we can celebrate each person and how grateful we are to be a part of their lives.

Valentine’s day, and I know this is mostly a contrived holiday but it is fun to take a day to ensure that those you love know they are special.

July 4th, when patriotism reigns.

Father’s and Mother’s day.

Memorial day and Veteran’s day.

Ideally we would each day let the people we love know how much we love and appreciate them, and we would honor others.  The reality is we get distracted by bills, jobs, chores, school, and we need these celebrations to help us put our eyes  back on the important things.  I’m thankful we have “feasts” to share with others and celebrate!


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I am thankful today for my newly 12 year old daughter, Rebecca 🙂  She is in her last preteen year! 😦  How did this happen?  One year from today, Lord willing, I will have 3 teenagers!

I was remembering last night, the day of her birth.  She is such a blessing.  I’ve blogged about her before so I’ll spare you the repetition, but I absolutely adore her! 🙂

We celebrated her day with a family game of rummy over a breakfast of gluten free blueberry buckle muffins, her choice.  Then we went to an amusement center for a go cart race.  She won!  She and her dad had a special lunch date of Greek food, then they checked out the ipad mini at the Apple store.  She’s been saving her money since Christmas for her next big purchase.  We’ll go buy it on Wednesday 🙂  She’s excited!

Then she and her siblings and some friends all decorated her cake, and played more cards.  We had friends over for an italian feast of salad, garlic bread, and lasagna (with appropriate items gf 🙂 ).  Then cake and gifts, complete with a “snowball” fight of tissue and wrapping paper.

Her youngest guest was 20 months and her oldest in his 50’s and a bunch in between.  I love that her favorite people are all ages.

She received some gifts that were perfectly suited to her 🙂  She’ll be crafting and creating in the next few weeks!

A great way to spend a day, celebrating a special girl.  I’m thankful for a full heart tonight, and for my sweet Rebecca!


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I am thankful today for people.  People who love my children when they don’t have to.  People who are willing to give of their time, investing in the future, for free.  No pay, no reward, no recognition, just serving sometimes daily, sacrificially.

This afternoon we attended the end of the season football banquet.  There were about 10 coaches recognized for their time involved in the program.  Ten men who give daily, in the heat of the Florida sun, to boys who aren’t always respectful, who don’t always show up, who sometimes don’t want to be there.  Ten men who are not all paid to be there, but all were  there to make a difference in the lives of the 40 or so boys that play on the teams. Who spoke of winning in life, not just on the football field.  Whose desire it is to see those boys become godly leaders of their future homes, and communities.  Whose goal is it to train these young men in the Word of God, and in how to deal with life’s adversities.  Men who walk with them, and talk them through their struggles and remind them to be humble in their victories.  Men who care most about whether they’ve read their Bible and what they learned from it.

It reminded me of all of the people who give and invest to my children.  The teachers who faithfully teach Sunday school, some twice a week!  Who plan and prepare a lesson voluntarily.  Who love and get to know my children and bless them by loving on them week after week.

The ladies and men who serve with them in their various volunteer opportunities.  People who are mentoring them and teaching them.  People who create opportunities for them to serve in.  Who look for ways to involve youth in service.

People who are like family to them, when they don’t have “relatives” nearby.  Who love them and treat them like they do their own sons and daughters, nieces and nephews.  Who celebrate their achievements and sympathize with their disappointments.  Who love them not because they should but because it is truly from their heart.  We are so blessed to have such amazing people in our lives.

Pastor Bob shared this morning that a tree standing alone is more vulnerable to a storm than a tree in a forest.  In a forest the trees offer each other shelter.  We are not meant to walk this journey of life alone.  We are like trees, stronger when we have each other.  I know my family is stronger because of the people God has surrounded us with and I am thankful today for those blessings!

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I am thankful for homeschooling.  I know my children better than I think I would if they were in school.  This is not to say I know them better than brick and mortar school parents know their children!  I just think for me, it would be tough to know all four of them as well as I do if they were in school all day.  I would struggle personally, to have the time to spend knowing them.  I know myself, and know my limits.

I love that they eat lunch together every day.   I love that they know what the other ones are studying and can talk about it together.  I love when the olders see a book the youngers are reading and tell them what a great book it was.  I love hearing them laugh as they go about their day.  I love that they play cards over lunch.  I love that they enjoy being a family.

I love that I get to spend the day with them.  I love that I get to share my favorite books and movies with them.   I love reading to them, and sharing their world of discovery.  I love hearing them use information they’ve learned in real life.  I love seeing them struggle with something and then the lightbulb going on!  I love hearing Schoolhouse Rocks songs that I knew when I was a kid 🙂

I might be a quivering pile of jello when they all move out!  Check on me then!  Today I am thankful for the privilege and blessing of homeschooling!  (Remind me I said this on the hard days 😉  )

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I am thankful today that my children like to cook 🙂  This is a good thing!  They are making homemade pizza for dinner as I type.  They give me lots of input in what we should have for dinner.  Hence the need to help me cook it.  😉

When they were younger they had assigned days where they would help me in the kitchen.  They loved the one on one time with me, and I loved that they were learning valuable life skills.

When they were much younger they started prepping their own breakfast.  My son loves eggs and wanted those for breakfast everyday.  That is what began his cooking skills.  He would microwave (back when we allowed microwaving!) his eggs every morning.  Lunch began because of all their different desires.  I was not going to prep four different lunches.  And they preferred leftovers to sandwiches.  I used to read to them sometimes when they were eating.  I used the time they were preparing their lunch to correct their schoolwork.

Today I mostly cook dinner but they are perfectly capable of preparing a meal on their own.  And my girls bake some amazing desserts! 🙂

I know this skill will serve them well in life.  Whatever they decide to do in life, they will need to eat! :-)Max claims he is never getting married, so I tell him he will need to cook for himself, as he may not live with his dad and I forever! 😉  And I’m sure his wife will appreciate this skill someday!

Now if they would keep me informed of what ingredients we are out of, we will be doing great!  I was just informed there is no cheese for the pizza! Off to the grocery store I go!

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This week my husband has had the flu :-/  Now in the scheme of things the flu is not that big a deal.  Now the fact that he is male, means it’s more of a deal than if a woman was sick 😉  But it will pass and he will be better soon.

Today we spent the morning at a ladies breakfast at church, grabbed and early birthday lunch at Pei Wei (just the girls and I) and then headed to Miracle League.  From Miracle League we left for church again, the girls had activities they wanted to participate in and then we attended service.  So we left the house at 7:40, and arrived home at 8:30.  My husband stayed home all day recuperating. It made me think about how we take our health for granted sometimes.  We are a little tired, but we enjoyed every part of our day.  If had health issues this day where memories were made and fellowship was enjoyed wouldn’t have happened.

As I watched some little ones in wheelchairs, and using walkers at Miracle League,  I thanked God that they had the chance to play baseball today as if they were able bodied.  The challenges those parents face on a daily basis, I can only imagine.  The joy they bring me and the other fans, watching them smile, seeing them celebrate their runs, is priceless!  I am thankful that God blessed me with children who look at those beautiful kids and have a desire to help them play a game for an hour as if they were on the winning MLB team!

I am thankful that God has blessed me and my family with good health.  Non-life threatening food allergies, asthma, common colds, just thorns in the side, not real health issues.  I am thankful that we have the strength to go out and live life, and that He gives us that health so we can use our lives to bless others.

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Matthew West said it so well, not sure I can add much to it 🙂  Today I am thankful for forgiveness.  The forgiveness of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; the forgiveness of family and friends when I fail.  Forgiveness is one of the most powerful tools we have in this life, it should be applied liberally 😉

It’s the hardest thing to give away
And the last thing on your mind today
It always goes to those that don’t deserve

It’s the opposite of how you feel
When the pain they caused is just too real
It takes everything you have just to say the word…


It flies in the face of all your pride
It moves away the mad inside
It’s always anger’s own worst enemy
Even when the jury and the judge
Say you gotta right to hold a grudge
It’s the whisper in your ear saying ‘Set It Free’

Forgiveness, Forgiveness
Forgiveness, Forgiveness

Show me how to love the unlovable
Show me how to reach the unreachable
Help me now to do the impossible

Forgiveness, Forgiveness

Help me now to do the impossible

It’ll clear the bitterness away
It can even set a prisoner free
There is no end to what it’s power can do
So, let it go and be amazed
By what you see through eyes of grace
The prisoner that it really frees is you

Forgiveness, Forgiveness
Forgiveness, Forgiveness

Show me how to love the unlovable
Show me how to reach the unreachable
Help me now to do the impossible

I want to finally set it free
So show me how to see what Your mercy sees
Help me now to give what You gave to me
Forgiveness, Forgiveness

If you prefer to just listen-

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I think when God created us, He programmed into us a need for relationships.  We desire to belong, whether to a family, or a community.  We want to be loved and accepted most, after our physical needs are met.  Today I am thankful for friendships.

Whether near or far, old or new,  I have some amazing friends 🙂  Some I’ve never met in person but have grown to love online.  They have talked me through homeschooling, curriculum choices, health issues, and challenged my beliefs at times.

Some I used to be neighbors with, but now only “see” online.  Our hearts are knit together though distance keeps us apart.  I love Facebook for keeping up with those.

Some I’ve known since elementary school.  I have shared experiences with-teachers, other friends, dances, childhood milestones.

Some are new friends, we’ve only met in the last couple of years.  Yet they have become like family already.

Some have walked beside me through premarital days, early marriage, pregnancies, moves, more moves, and now teen years.

I love that in Christ I have some of my best friends.  Friends who share similar values, parent similarly, celebrate the same things as me.  I love how God gives us friends for different seasons of our life.  When we had two extra children living with us, God gave me a friend who was a foster mom.  Boy did we relate!  A friend who knew my challenges first hand and prayed for me.  Who I could call and who could call me for a listening ear and advice.

A friend with children the same ages as mine.  Those people you know are just from God at that time to see you through a circumstance and then become lifelong friends.

Friends who were pregnant with me.  Commiserating on sore feet, swollen ankles, but excited for the new lives God was giving us.  Understanding my needs better than I did some days.

I especially love the friends who are there for all the seasons of my life 🙂  Who’ve laughed with me, cried with me, held my hand and challenged me when I’ve need it.  Friends who love me in spite of my warts, and I have quite a few!  Who are excited for me when I have good news, who advise me when I am lost.  Who have witnessed me make mistakes but love me all the same.

And best of all, the friends whose families are also friends with mine. There is nothing better than having true fellowship with another family.  Not worrying about do the kids or husbands get along but getting together as a group and everyone just loving being with each other.

I am truly blessed to have some of the most wonderful friends ever!  I pray that all of you who read this have at least one friend who you think of when you read this and that God would even bring you more.  I think life is hard without true friends, and God wants us to do this thing called life together, with others to encourage and love on us, and be His arms here on earth.


Submitted by single-espresso.


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I am beyond thankful for my four amazing children!  The love they have for each other, their adoration of their dad, their heart after God, their willingness to love on others-young or old.  They teach me every day how to be a better person.

Gaby, my oldest, my tender hearted girl.  She served in the church nursery this morning, and after service one of the grandmother’s who serves in there with her, came up to me and told me how wonderful she was.  That is a weekly occurrence, no credit to us as her parents, she has such a heart for God.  She loves holding and loving on the little ones at church.  She looks forward to being with them every week.  Yet she can be spunky and sassy; silly and giggly;  sentimental and sweet.  Dressed as Thing 2 for the fall festival, a punk for our murder mystery party, yet the most classic and conservative of all my girls.  🙂 Mature, yet fun loving.  Capable and organized.  A treasure for sure!  She can go from playing babies with a little one she is babysitting, to sitting in a class with a group of adults being confused for someone’s wife!

Max, my only boy.  My big teddy bear.  He pretends to be tough and says he’s never getting married, but he loves to play with little ones.  He gets his Hess truck collection out and shows them all the buttons and lights.  He looks so cute holding a little one, it melts my heart.  He’s a behind the scenes guy.  Ready to serve, but not up front.  He holds his own with three sisters, enduring their TV show choices (often wedding shows) when he’d much rather be watching Mythbusters. 😉  He has convinced them that Duck Dynasty is a cool show.  He has a quick wit, sarcasm comes easily to him (wonder where he gets that?), a great giggle, and a sweet “aw shucks” kind of look when he’s embarrassed.  Recently his football coach told us he walked in after all the other players had left for the day and Max was cleaning up the locker room so they didn’t get in trouble the next day.  My not so little anymore, servant hearted boy 🙂

Rebecca, my third.  She’s an enigma.  Describing her and why I love her is hard.  She is fiercely determined and stubborn, but you wouldn’t believe it when you meet her.  Sweet, quiet, kind is how most would describe her.  When you get to know her you realize she is quick, can be sharp and fast.  Spunky for sure.  Surprising at times.  She doesn’t need attention or interaction, she’s my most introverted.  Artistic, crafty, and competitive.  Another with a servants heart, working with the little ones at church.  I always know where she’ll be, wherever there is a little one needing some attention.  Patience is an attribute I would say she possesses.  She shakes her head with a slight smirk when her dad teases.  She’s not one to get into a verbal battle unless she feels passionately about the subject.  She keeps us guessing by slinging out a one liner, or catching us off guard with a funny comment.

Sarah, my baby.  Sarah is definitely the baby!  Funny, always making us laugh.  Positive, she rarely is sad about things or down about them.  She’s the one who if you say your entire  page of school work is incorrect, groans, then takes a deep breath and says something like, “At least I only did one page!”  When she was little and falling a lot, she would say, “I’m okay!” almost before she hit the floor!  She’s the one who thinks deep though.  She’s way more observant than she appears and the things that hurt her come out at night after she’s gone to bed, when she has time to process it. Because she never stops during the day!  She’s the most energetic, running everywhere she goes.  The most empathetic, easily hurt for someone else, and feeling their emotion.  Sensitive to others feelings.  Full of funny lines, and always smiling and joking!  My performer, serving at church on the children’s worship team.  Up front leading with a small group of others. Limelight is her place, as long as her family is not watching her.  She will give you a look and a face that lets you know she sees you if you sneak in to watch her, even from the stage! 🙂

Words can’t describe how blessed I feel to have these children.  These who make me laugh, test my patience, fill my heart, empty my pantry!  I couldn’t imagine my life without them.  And today and everyday I am thankful that the Lord trusted me enough to bless me with them.

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